Thursday, October 7, 2010


Dear EA,

I want to thank you personally for revitalizing the NBA Jam franchise. You have no idea how much fun -- although I've only played two games -- how much nostalgia was flowing from my living room. This game kicks so much ass! It's modernized, yet still has a classic sense to it. Now get on rebooting NFL Blitz.


Yeah so it's been awhile, huh? I made this big long fuss about how I was going to update this blog more and I was off to a good start...until school started. This semester is nothing what I thought it would be. It isn't difficult, per se, it's just a lot of work. Between class, The Reveille and Best Buy, I don't have a lot of time to do anything that isn't work or study. When I do have free time, it's usually getting caught up on my TV shows or playing video games.

I need -- no, will -- to make time for you dearest blog because there is so much I want to do with you. So many ideas in my head, I just need the time to put them on paper, er, screen font.

Well, I finally broke the ice and started writing in this today. Now, back to more Halo: Reach and NBA Jam.

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